Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Help Needed: Open Adoption Survey

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As many of you know, we are in the process of creating a new course for prospective adoptive families considering open adoption. We have been fortunate to have talked with many adoptive parents, birth mothers and adoption professionals, but have not found many adult adoptees.

We feel it is crucial for adoptees' voices to be heard in this course! To that end, we've created a brief online survey to be completed by adult adoptees (age 18 and up. The survey focuses on exactly what sort of contact/visits were had with various members of the birth family (in open adoptions), the benefits, the challenges and what they would say to families who are in the early years or just thinking about an open adoption.

We are asking for your help in reaching these folks by distributing the following link to the survey:

Aside from sending the link to previous clients you've worked with, we'd like to ask you to send the link to your current families (as they may have friends or relatives with grown children who were adopted), place the link on your website and in your social media feeds such as Facebook and the like.

We appreciate your help and look forward to sharing the results and the new course with you and your families!

Mary Michele Hawkins
Heart of the Matter

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