Download Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016 (PDF)
Dear Board Members and Concerned Families:
If you believe The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption has
failed to live up to its potential, leaving millions upon millions of
children in need of a permanent family globally, this legislation will
better serve the desperate needs of this population of children and
change the catastrophic trajectory of intercountry adoption. Below is a
simple statement you can simply copy and paste into your senator’s
contact email. You can find your senator’s contact web link and phone
“Dear Senator ______,
This week, Senators Roy Blunt and Amy Klobuchar plan to
introduce the Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016, which is a
significantly re-tooled and simpler version of two former pieces of
legislation: Families For Orphans Act and the Children in Families First
Act. Senators Blunt and Klobuchar have circulated the legislation to
their colleagues in the Senate and are seeking additional co-sponsors
before they introduce it THIS week; hence the urgency of the matter.
Passage of the Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016 has the
potential to change the current concerning trajectory of intercountry
adoption in the US. The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption has
failed to live up to its potential. Millions upon millions of children
are in need of a family globally, and this legislation will to better
serve the desperate needs of this population of children.
As an international adoption professional, and more
importantly, a mother through international adoption, it is important to
me that our Senators care about orphans and support them through
legislation that will pave the way for permanency through adoption to be
a viable option for American families. I am asking for your immediate
and urgent help. Senators Blunt and Klobuchar have circulated the
legislation to their colleagues in the Senate and are seeking additional
co-sponsors before they introduce it THIS week; hence the urgency of
the matter. Please call contact either Lauren in Blunt’s office or
Lindsey in Klobuchar’s office and co-sponsor the Vulnerable Children and
Families Act of 2016.
If you want more information on the bill contact Senators Blunt
and Klobuchar’s office and hopefully we can count on you to let them
know you will co-sponsor this invaluable bill that will change the lives
of children and families all over this world.
Without passage of this legislation, you can expect more of the
same failed approach by the US Government on Intercountry Adoption.
Respectfully, ____________”
Here is what National Council for Adoption’s Executive Director has to say about this important legislation:
For many years, NCFA has worked to bring much needed legislative
reform to intercountry adoption. Our previous support of the Families
For Orphans Act and the Children in Families First Act did not result in
their passage.
This week, Senators Roy Blunt and Amy Klobuchar plan to introduce the
Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016
(see attachment), a significantly re-tooled and simpler version of the
two former pieces of legislation, yet something very affirmative to
promoting intercountry adoption among other viable permanency
Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016 will accomplish many important objectives:
· It will re-enforce Congress’ and the American people’s commitment
to intercountry adoption when this is the appropriate option for a child
to have a family.
· It re-prioritizes and affirms the U.S. Department of State’s
responsibility to be better advocates for this population of vulnerable
children and opens doors of opportunity for them to be adopted by
qualified American citizens.
· It provides the U.S. Department of State mission-specific
instructions regarding their role in advancing the cause of intercountry
adoption when no other domestic solution is available for a child to
have a family, including establishing priorities that seem inherent in
appropriate Hague Convention implementation.
· It creates better communications between several U.S. Government
offices charged with carrying out various international child welfare
activities and services, among them domestic and intercountry adoption
options – and creates, in our opinion, more accountability and
cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, other government
offices, and the U.S. Congress.
Passage of the
Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016
has the potential to change the current concerning trajectory of
intercountry adoption in the US. The Hague Convention on Intercountry
Adoption has failed to live up to its potential. Millions upon millions
of children are in need of a family globally, and this legislation will
to better serve the desperate needs of this population of children.
Because the legislation is nearly all affirmative and mission-specific,
it only requires a reallocation of existing resources without
significant costs, while at the same time giving the U.S. Department of
State a new mandate to better assist orphaned and abandoned children in
need of a family and the American citizens who want to open their hearts
and home to these children through adoption. The very same mandate we
believed was given in 2008 when the Hague Convention on Intercountry
Adoption was implemented in the U.S.
I am asking for your immediate and urgent help. Senators Blunt
and Klobuchar have circulated the legislation to their colleagues in the
Senate and are seeking additional co-sponsors before they introduce it
THIS week; hence the urgency of the matter. Please call your Senator
NOW (there is not yet a version in the House that is coming soon) and
ask them to contact either Lauren in Blunt’s office or Lindsey in
Klobuchar’s office and co-sponsor the Vulnerable Children and Families Act of 2016.
We have spent years working to this point. If you support
intercountry adoption and want to see key reforms to how the Department
of State views its mission as Central Authority and a better
implementation of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, then
you really need to call your Senator and secure their support. Without
passage of this legislation, then you can expect more of the same
approach by the US Government on Intercountry Adoption.
Also, the following Senators were previous supporters of CHIFF. It
would go to reason that they’d be inclined to support our new bill. If
one of these Senators is your senator, then please remind them of their
previous support CHIFF:
Roy Blunt (MO) – already supporting
Richard Burr (NC) – already supporting
Robert Casey (PA)
Thad Cochran (MS)
Christopher Coons (DE)
Kristen Gillibrand (NY)
James Inhofe (OK)
Angus King (ME)
Mark Kirk (IL)
Amy Klobuchar – already supporting
Carl Levin (MI)
Edward Markey (MA)
Claire McCaskill – (MO)
Bernard Sanders (VT)
Charles Schumer (NY)
Jeanne Shaheen (NH)– already supporting
Debbie Stabenow (MI)
John Thune (SD)
Elizabeth Warren (MA)
Roger Wicker (MS) – already supporting
Chuck Johnson President and CEO
National Council For Adoption
225 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
T: 703.299.6633 | F: 703.299.6004