*July 13, 2011 was Rex's last full day and night at the orphanage where he spent the first 28 months of his life.
When an adoption journey turns out well and the child you bring home lives up to the dreams and expectations you had, it's easy to say it was meant to be. The child is just as smart as the biological children in the family, just as athletic as his mommy, just as into books and reading as her daddy, just as crazy about roller coasters as the cousins, just as creative as grandma... how could such a perfect fit not be meant to be?
But when you adopt a child and after coming home find out that things are not as you thought and will never be as you imagined, many families ask, "Why us? Why did it have to turn out like this for us?" The question is often posed with a tremendous amount of grief, frustration, fear, anger, and disappointment. It comes from a painful place of shattered dreams, uncertain futures, and monumental new challenges.
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