My dear friend Lisa, along with her family, is in Lithuania. They have adopted the adorable Asher and Annalise, 4 year old twins. Asher and Annalise join sibling Adeline and Alden. These friends are precious to us. We met them only a year ago through a mutual friend but it was an instant love connection. Our husbands get along; our kids want to marry one another. And we all love Jesus and adoption and pizza from Costco. (You, know, the trinity of important things…)
Anywhoozie, Lisa is about to come home and I’m just reupping my blog and I thought I’d reflect on our first few weeks home in order to help her. Most friends, though well meaning, have zero idea what it is like to bring an older child into your family through adoption. It is foreign and so those well meaning friends often do harm when they mean to help, or worse yet, do nothing at all. So here is my version of how to love an adoptive family.
First of all, read Jen Hatmaker’s How to Be the Village. Jen does an excellent job of setting the stage of what adoptive family’s go through after the big hoopla of the airport moment.
Read more.
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