All For You!! If you are a Hopscotch Family, we have something great to share with you - for FREE! As a proud sponsor of Creating A Family website, our client families are provided FREE access to their vast library of radio podcasts. The library covers a vast range of adoption related topics that you will not find anywhere else. As a bonus, you can opt to receive educational credit hours and a certificate with a password issued to each of our clients - again, free to Hopscotch client families.
To access the adoption learning center on the Creating a Family website:
Hopscotch clients can access the adoption education courses by going to the learning center at
Each individual will need to create an account with a username and password (see the blue link in the upper right hand corner of the webpage for creating a new account)
Once you have logged in with you individual username and password you'll have access to listen to all the courses - for FREE!
As a sponsoring agency, our clients have access to the quiz/certificate option for each course. You'll just need to click on the quiz icon next to a particular course listing. You'll then be prompted for a course password that is unique to Hopscotch clients. You'll need to contact Megan for your password to receive your certificate after completion of each podcast and quiz. Be sure to print your certificate after each podcast quiz.
Here's a podcast sample:
Coping with Infertility Grief After Adopting
We tell people to work through their grief at not having a biological child or being pregnant or breastfeeding BEFORE they adopt. The reality is that sometimes after adopting a baby adoptive parents still crave the experience of pregnancy and still feel sad at not having a genetic connection to their child. Host Dawn Davenport will interview Carole Lieber Wilkins, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in the field of reproductive medicine, adoption and family building options since 1986. She is known for helping patients transition to non-genetic forms of family building, such as donor conception or adoption. Having created her family through adoption and ovum donation, Carole brings a wealth of personal as well as professional experience to her work. Highlights from this show.
by: Robin Sizemore, Executive Director of Hopscotch Adoptions, Inc
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