Saturday, October 26, 2013

Janelle Ison: Adoptee, Birthmom, and Adoption Advocate


Janelle Ison had just turned 18 when she found out she was pregnant. 

As an adopted person herself, her parents encouraged her to consider adoption, yet she dismissed the idea because of the overwhelming connection she felt with her unborn child and her worries that she would be viewed by her peers as a bad mother.  On today’s show, hear about her unique journey that led her to ultimately place her son for open adoption.  Also, hear how she recently connected with her birthmother and how blessed and fortunate she feels to have so much love and family in her life.  To learn more about Janelle’s adoption journey, you can also view her personal video at:  My Beautiful Son - Janelle's Adoption Story.    

Janelle works at the National Council For Adoption (NCFA), an adoption advocacy nonprofit that promotes a culture of adoption through education, research, and legislative action.  Janelle serves as the Director of Operations and plays an integral role in NCFA’s iChooseAdoption campaign.  The overall goal of the campaign is to enable women facing unintended pregnancy to consider adoption more freely, understand their options and choices in order to make a fully informed decision, and increase public understanding of and appreciation for infant adoption and birthmothers.  For more information please visit: iChooseAdoption

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