Sunday, March 3, 2013

News from Morocco: Progress!!!!

[Monday, 18 February 2013 18:24]

th Following a meeting Hispano-Moroccan Monday, February 11th, the Spanish parents who have initiated proceedings to adopt a child Moroccan kafala could see their result files. Both governments are poised to agree on a mechanism to ensure that Morocco principles kafala are respected, even outside of Morocco, until the majority of the child.

Spain and Morocco are a step towards each other. While the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs proposes to reauthorize the adoption of Moroccan children to foreign couples non-Muslims under certain conditions, the government plans to compel by law the parents who adopt kafala to follow rules this form of adoption. A meeting was held in Rabat, Monday, Feb. 11 between the two parties The conjunction of wills could unblock the situation of Spanish families trapped in their adoption process in kafala a Moroccan child.

In August last year, the Moroccan Minister of Justice Mustapha Ramid, had issued a circular prohibiting kafala couples foreigners living outside Morocco. "For how to control the extent of compliance with the Kafil brings its legal obligations not met, may result in the cancellation of the Kafala," explained the circular. In the months that followed, the government specified that the prohibition did not apply to foreign couples settled in Morocco, nor MRE.

Kafala refused to mixed couples

Since then, fifty Spanish families and a dozen French families who had begun a process of adopting a child Morocco are blocked in their efforts. In 2011, Moroccan courts had assigned 254 children kafalas to foreign couples, mainly Spanish with a majority of Catalans. "The French couples are mainly composed of mixed couples. Moroccan courts tend to give kafala, where is the man who is Moroccan, but not when it is the woman, "says Kamel Marhdaoui, treasurer of the association

Spanish side, things could be unlocked, after a meeting in Rabat Monday, February 11, between the Director General of the International Legal Cooperation Spanish Angel Llorente and Moroccan justice minister, Mustapha Ramid, Spain proposes to Morocco to compel by law the Spanish parents who have guardianship of Moroccan children or orphanages in sub-Saharan collected Moroccan respect kafala, reports El Pais.

Compel by law

It would force the issue of Spanish parents to visit once a year to Morocco to verify compliance kafala or entrust the audit to juvenile judges Spanish. Morocco wants to ensure that children are not converted to Christianity and they keep their original names until their majority.

This proposal has any place like Morocco, as in an interview with Europapress, the Moroccan Foreign Minister Salaheddine El Othmani, said that "what really want the Moroccan authorities, and he insists on it, it is a mechanism that allows them to monitor how the child is educated, "including the cultural and religious. He acknowledged that the requirement of residence in Morocco for foreign couples present in the circular was not present in the statute itself, "explicitly".

A "certification kafala" in France?

The shade and the progress made between Spain and Morocco could benefit French couples. "This is being done in Spain could be in France, but the problem in France, when you make a kafala, there is no pleasure, because it is not considered a full adoption," says Kamel Marhdaoui. The association tries to put pressure on the Moroccan and French governments for the creation of an "approval kafala" specific.

"Today's social and psychological investigations that follow an adoption for any other child, are not routinely when a child is adopted Moroccan kafala. We would like a follow-up is done, for example, the Moroccan consulates in France, "says Kamel Marhadaoui.

Julie Chaudier


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