Friday, November 16, 2012

NC Infant/Young Child Mental Health Association Conference

Hopscotch staff attended the NC Infant/Young Child Mental Health Association Conference and Annual Meeting Exploring the Foundations of Parent-Child Relationships on November 9, 2012. 

The conference was an invaluable experience, which we hope will translate into better support for our families, as you each navigate your way through parenting children that have experienced deprivation.

The guest speaker, Dr. Edward Tronic, presented his research, the Flat Face project.  Notably, children residing in institutional care, being cared for by mothers suffering from post partum depression or poor quality child care, are at high risk for developing mental health challenges and developmental delays.

Hopscotch continues to value ongoing training and as we learn, we will share with you too.


Dr. Ed Tronick, director of UMass Boston's new Infant-Parent Mental Health Program and Distinguished Professor of Psychology, discusses the cognitive abilities of infants to read and react to their social surroundings. The video is an excerpt from Lovett Productions' , HELPING BABIES FROM THE BENCH: USING THE SCIENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD IN COURT.

Using the "Still Face" Experiment, in which a mother denies her baby attention for a short period of time, Dr. Tronick describes how prolonged lack of attention can move an infant from good socialization, to periods of bad but repairable socialization. In "ugly" situations the child does not receive any chance to return to the good, and may become stuck.

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